Friday, April 8, 2022

Squat Sergeant


This was a very enjoyable paint job, rather than batch paint I treated myself to painting this model as an individual and put a bit extra into his base, raising him up and getting some more features and contrasts in there. Additionally, to make him stand out I avoided contrast paints and washes more than normal and did not use a zenithal highlight before painting. Instead tried to highlight up rather than tone down to make him a bit brighter and take advantage of the brighter highlights and smoother transitions I was able to create having spent more time.

His gloves are red, following the cover art of Ork and Squat Warlords which I based my colour scheme on. It was a real trick to do his medals, it is a feature of most squat leader models including the exoarmour squats and I am not sure I am a huge fan of splashing a bunch of random colours in there to make them look right. I am happy with the details on these ones but I will have to think a bit harder on how I do them in the future with other models.

The fluff: This is the second of my leaders, Darri Arnasson, second in command and figurehead of the Clan Egil, the rival clan to that of Gurni Gundersson. There is an uneasy truce between the two as they put aside their family' generational feud to investigate happenings on Abyz III.

Darri is a fierce warrior and represents the interests of the younger members of the Miraz Dur Stronghold at a spritely 145

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