Monday, April 4, 2022

Synthesiser squat

 These were a real treat to paint, I really enjoyed the character of the Perry sculpted squats in this lot (all except the flamer squat). I love the pose with the giant bolter in the middle, it really highlights what I love about these squats. Mostly it is their ridiculous cute proportions.

I was also very happy to get my hands on a synthesiser squat, though I am not super satisfied with my paintjob, I think I may be adding hazard stripes to the speaker on his shoulder in the future.

The standard bearer's are also an old favourite of mine, it seems to be pretty difficult to find the command models unfortunately so I might have to make do with a few less than I hoped. I love the commanders with power fists so fingers crossed one turns up, I am keen to use one of those models as my named leader but we will see

On another note, Contrast paints are so amazing for painting hair, I feel like I have gotten a really good effect by combining different contrast paints with contrast medium to get different tones

I have also been trying to put blocks of yellow on the command and special weapons models to make them stick out which I think works, the standard's laspistol for instance balances the orange on the large standard. I will have to be mindful though because I think adding too much yellow might become overwhelming with the other bright primary colours in the scheme, maybe it already is haha


  1. I can't get over how good your reflections look on the goggles and visors. Care to share your secrets in a future post?

    1. Thanks! Yeah absolutely, that's a great idea


A Couple of Special Weapons

Oh boy do I love these miniatures. The flamers are just great, with their subtle allusions to the flamer design to come, the fuel hoses, the...